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Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Click on Map for larger view The above map is a little experiment which will be 'officially' sanctioned and 'font-ed'  in the forth coming weeks. As usual if you are visiting the reserve and want to know what's about

28 May 2015

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Still here after 10 days, or perhaps a new bird? Temminck's Stint Temminck's Stint again present today, bringing a steady flow of visitors for a day's birding around the reserve. Currently it is possible to top 70 spe

27 May 2015

Drake Garganey

Drake Garganey

Another windy day making viewing difficult from the hides. Generally just best to keep the windows closed even if you loose a little resolution! Drake Garganey in Langley's Brook this afternoon was new in. Temminck's Stint again today from the UU Hide fro

26 May 2015

Temminck's Stint still present

Temminck's Stint still present

Just a very brief report today. A cool North Westerly breeze and mostly cloudy resulted in another day of below average temperature. It's probably no surprise that the Temminck's Stint is still present today, it probably thinks it's in Northern Finland. S

25 May 2015

White-winged Black Tern

White-winged Black Tern

Bird of the year (so far..) an adult White-winged Black Tern on the reserve this morning and still present late afternoon. This diminutive marsh tern is about 2/3rd the size of a Common Tern and has a eastern distribution in Europe, although the species i

24 May 2015

Temminck's Stint

Temminck's Stint

Temminck's Stint again this morning with a Little Stint along the back of Sunley's Marsh this morning. Spotted Crake calling on the reserve before dawn. A Hobby seen near the Sewage Works this morning and again over the Waterfowl Garden early afternoon is

23 May 2015

Temminck's Stint back again.

Temminck's Stint back again.

(Mr) Temminck's Stint is back again this afternoon out on Woodend Marsh, assuming it's not a brand new bird? It does beg the question as to where it has been hiding over the past couple of days? Temminick's Stint... it's t

20 May 2015



The first Black-headed Gull and Shelduck chicks hatched today. In fact a number of Black-headed Gull pairs had chicks hatching. Black-headed Gull with the years first chicks These new arrivals join many Avocet chicks

19 May 2015

More Waders

More Waders

Continuing to look excellent for wader passage over the next few days. This morning's rain moved through by 11am but not before dropping in 8 Turnstone on the Mere. Unfortunately 30 seconds later they were flushed by a low flying Helicopter. The highest p

18 May 2015

Temminck's Stint

Temminck's Stint

Missing last year, today Temminck's Stint makes a welcome return to the year list. Temminck's Stint was last recorded on the reserve in 2013 on the 17th May! The bird is currently (16:00) being seen from the Ron Barker Hide. More additions to the year lis

17 May 2015



Drake Garganey on Woodend Marsh this morning viewed from the United Utilities Hide. Also there the 1st summer Little Gull and 2 Common Tern. The first Oystercatcher chicks also on Woodend and some newly hatched Avocet chicks too. At least 13 Ringed Plover

16 May 2015

Common Tern

Common Tern

A very pleasant day with the wind dropping although the visibility tends to be much poorer for distance viewing! The first Common Tern of the year a pair(?) in the morning on Woodend Marsh. The 1st summer Little Gull was present there too.

13 May 2015

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

At least 10 Wheatear in the ploughed field beyond Woodend Marsh in what appears to be yet another influx of this species. An immature Marsh Harrier on Woodend Marsh this morning was new in. A Corn Bunting was singing in front of the Ron Barker Hide this m

12 May 2015

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

A brief up-date. The Little Gull is still present on the reserve generally from the United Utilities Hide although it has been seen in front of the Harrier Hide and on the Mere. Two Med Gull (ad + imm) again today. Two Whimbrel on the Mere late afternoon.

11 May 2015

First Avocet chicks

First Avocet chicks

Avocet with 4 recently hatched chicks First Avocet chicks of the year distantly on Woodend Marsh viewed from the United Utilities Hide. Can the parents defend them against myriad of potential predators?

10 May 2015