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Bird sightings

Bird sightings

A good day on site with nice weather as well! Barn Owls continue to give great views at times from either UU Hide or Ron Barker Hide, with at least 2-3 birds seen today. At least 1 Tawny Owl was again in the Ivy near Kingfisher Hide. Redpoll was seen alon

11 February 2016

Good weather on it's way!

Good weather on it's way!

It's looking like we are in for some slightly calm weather and even sunshine on and off over the next 7 days even if the occasional shower is thrown into the mix on a couple of them. Lapwings and wildfowl in the air flushe

10 February 2016

Hen Harrier

Hen Harrier

First Hen Harrier of the winter, a ring-tailed bird flying through in between the rain squalls. This has been our quietest winter for Hen Harrier, a bird which has faced much persecution in it's upland breeding habitat. It's quite possible this bird will

8 February 2016

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Another cold and damp one. We should be thankful it wasn't blowing a gale today! Not a huge number of reports so I'll keep this brief. A minimum of 2 Barn Owl, surprised to see these out in light rain this morning. Challenging condition for these birds.

6 February 2016

Bird news

Bird news

Two Jack Snipe flushed out on the reserve by WWT staff was a good sighting, there are probably small numbers of this diminutive little Snipe around the reserve but they are often only seen when they flush after almost being stepped on! Barn Owls continue

5 February 2016

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

A compilation of the past few days sightings. We would have updated yesterday but our access to broadband was disrupted! Nacreous or Polar Stratospheric Clouds from Monday evening. As we go into February we can still

3 February 2016



It pretty much rained all day with that misty murk that isn't ideal for anything, except perhaps for dropping a Kittiwake onto the reserve! Seen for less than a minute the bird took flight off the Mere and headed into the gloom. Almost annual (we had two

31 January 2016

Bewick's Swan again

Bewick's Swan again

Two days in a row for the Bewick's Swan feeding on Top Mere viewed from the Hale Hide on a fairly wild and blustery day. The wind drops tomorrow so it should be a better days viewing all round if slightly more showery. A good selection of hides provide so

30 January 2016

Bewick's Swan

Bewick's Swan

A new Bewick's Swan was the highlight of the day, the bird was found feeding on the potatoes on Top Mere best viewed from Hale Hide, this is the 3rd Bewick's Swan of the winter. Still lots of Whooper Swans with at least 1300 around at the moment.

29 January 2016



Barn Owls have again been showing well from Ron Barker Hide today, also nearby at least 1 Tawny Owl was in the Ivy. The pair of Peregrine were active today being seen throughout the day, look for them in Plover field sat either on the ground or on Mole hi

28 January 2016

Willow Tit

Willow Tit

Following a run in recent winters a Willow Tit was seen on a feeder off the Nature Trail near the Kingfisher Hide. Two adult Peregrine (a pair) out on Plover Field. Marsh Harrier showed well from the Ron Barker Hide, 5+ Common Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and Sparr

26 January 2016

Med Gull and Lapwings

Med Gull and Lapwings

A barmy 14˚c this morning with light winds before an obvious change in weather as the wind increased and a late heavy shower came through. Mammatus clouds at dusk yesterday Spectacular numbers of Lapwing still on the

25 January 2016

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Good numbers of people being entertained by huge numbers of birds on a pleasant day which started sunny and ended with rain just after sunset. Whooper Swans and Pink-footed Geese in good numbers, the later certainly on the increase. Locally a few European

23 January 2016

Bird News

Bird News

A lovely day after the cloud cleared and lots of birds. The mild weather encouraging waders back inland, a few Oystercatcher have been around of late and 3 were present today, also 453 Black-tailed Godwit was a noticeable increase on recent counts, and th

22 January 2016

Bewick's Swan

Bewick's Swan

Glorious day to take part in the classic winter birding on offer at Martin Mere with dawn to dusk sunshine and light winds. If you were counting all the birds on the reserve at the moment the total numbers would top 15000! The Mere was packed with birds s

20 January 2016