Latest sightings
Kingfisher disputes continue
Kingfisher HideTwo rather tired and soggy female Kingfishers continued to fight at the nest bank opposite the hide, the male simply watches on. Stabbing, jabbing, bill locking, tumbling down to the water and plenty of body language and calls. The Little G
15 March 2020
Drama at the nest bank?
This morning two Kingfishers were seen fighting, locking beaks and dropping in to the reeds
14 March 2020
Iceland Gull
A near-adult Iceland Gull was flushed off the river this morning by the rising tide, eventually settling on the Dumbles for most of the morning.
13 March 2020
Another big tide
Another big tide filled the estuary again this morning, a little higher than yesterday's.
12 March 2020
Biggest tides of the year
High tide today was forecast to be around 10.7m, one of the biggest tides that we will see on the river this year and pretty much as big as the river gets.
11 March 2020
Chiffchaffs and Cetti's + the first Greylag Goose brood
At least five Chiffchaff and 7 Cetti's Warbler were heard singing in various places on the reserve today, continuing with the Spring theme an early brood of three Greylag Geese were spotted in the Duck Decoy. It was the WeBS count today but the totals hav
8 March 2020
Whitefronts and Pinkfooted Geese
Kingfisher HideLots of activity from both Kingfishers around the nesting bank this morning. This is the best time to come and see these special birds as they pair up, display, pass fish to the female and excavate the burrow. usually active all day especia
7 March 2020
Paramotor problems
A paramotor caused widespread disturbance this morning across the reserve.
6 March 2020
Red Kite
A Red Kite was seen this afternoon, first drifting south over the Tack Piece before later heading north, as viewed from the Robbie Garnett Hide.
5 March 2020
Having a clear out
After an obvious departure of Pochard another other duck in the last few days, numbers of individuals of wintering species are continuing to drop as spring continues to arrive.
4 March 2020
Pochard departures
A clear spell over night has allowed further departure migration, we only had 24 Pochard left on site this morning. A few more Wigeon look to have gone too.Estuary Tower27 Dunlin, 2 Avocet, 2 Redshank, 160 Wigeon on the Dumbles scrape, 84 Barnacle Geese w
3 March 2020
Kittiwakes and a spring migrant
Estuary TowerA very windy night (thanks to Storm Jorge) was followed up with blustery and showery weather, a few Kittiwake were seen making their way up the Severn during the day, these birds probably carry on and migrate overland to the East coast. It w
1 March 2020
Curlew close ups
Tack PieceThe curlew flock has been pretty special in here all week, 120 birds today and many packed into the near part of the field getting protection from the strong winds. The redshank (45) and ruff (4) are very active here as well. Over 1000 wigeon wi
29 February 2020
New arrivals
A few new arrivals on the reserve today with another increase in the number of Avocet, including two colour-ringed birds, and a small flock of at least 10 Knot on the South Lake
25 February 2020
Today's highlights
The site Avocet flock increased to 49 individuals, they began the day on the South Lake but moved to the Top New Piece where they fed in the waves.Estuary TowerAnother rather windblown day combined with a high morning tide pushed 92 Shelduck onto the Dumb
24 February 2020